A two hour activation, cnr high street & pacific Highway
small scale & miniature artworks….
Immerse yourself in the creative process as Goya Torres, Dan Williams and Mitch Berrigan showcase their live painting skills.
Get your hands on one of 085c3n3’s creations from our Mine Zine Library, or hunt for Tinky’s newest miniature installation
GOYA TORES ︴ TINKY ︴ DAN WILLIAMS ︴ MITCH BERRIGAN ︴085cn3 ︴Mini Zine Libraries 085c3n3

LITTLE FESTIVAL ACTIVATED an area of BELMONT’s main SHOPPING STRIP on Saturday morning, 18 May 2024
Follow us on instagram for updates
Goya Torres | @goyatorres
Aerosol, acrylic, charcoal, oil pastel, printmaking and collage are materials of choice for visual/street artist, mural and painter Goya Torres whose work spans across fine arts, street art and illustration.Aerosol, acrylic, charcoal, oil pastel, printmaking and collage are materials of choice for visual/street artist, mural and painter Goya Torres whose work spans across fine arts, street art and illustration.
Dan Williams | @danwilliams17art
Dan is a proud Anewan Man and visual artist based on Awabakal Country. Experimentation with dot paintings inspires him to learn more about his culture.
Mitch Berrigan | @mitch_berrigan
An obsession with the colours and the marks on the street have led Mitch to pursuing a career in art and design. He continues to be strongly influenced by street art, with aerosol as the medium of choice.
Tinky | @tinkysonntag
Tinky gathers and assembles vintage or abandoned objects with miniscule characters and uses wordplay to create humorous dioramas in non-spaces…think gutters, holes-in-the-wall in streets, buildings, laneways and curated gallery spaces.
085c3n3 | @085c3n3
A multidisciplinary artist who explores the interrelationship between inspired nostalgia and the viewer role in creating a sense of place, recontextualising redundant objects, discarded machines and antiquated artmaking methods.

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